Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Outside Inspiration (theory 5)

For our final theory reading we were asked to review and recommend three different design journals or websites. Here are three that I have been frequenting for quite some time.  I find inspiration in them and have always looked to them for enjoyment and ideas.

Planet Magazine - http://www.planet-mag.com/

This is by far one of my all time favorite sites to visit.  The site looks at design on multiple levels.  Photography, Architecture, Art, Culture, History, and Travel.  They encourage reader participation quite often.  I am always amazed at what I see here.  They content is global and real.  I enjoy the site the most because it give you a complete view of design.  Seeing what people are wearing and displaying on the walls in spaces that are newly created paints a picture for me.  A picture of use, daily life, and functional beauty.

Walpapper - http://www.wallpaper.com/

This site is somewhat similar to Planet magazine, however they do have an editorial slant.  They focus more on architecture which is great, especially since they critique spaces, show plans, and multiple images.  You can almost immerse yourself in the buildings the review.  Seeing plans is extremely important for me to understand how the space flows and how the individual spaces within the space function with each other.  Their bias is toward a more modern and simplistic style that focuses on quality and substance.  Unfortunately, this is often on the extreme side of expensive.  The ideas are good and give good inspiration for design.

Design Sponge - http://www.designspongeonline.com/

This is purely a design blog, updated daily and run by Grace Bonney.  It's fun, quirky, un-expected, different, inspiring, and fun.  I like fun a lot!!  Little touches here and there make all the difference in an interior space.  The little nuances make it your own and make a space stand out.  Her focus is on home and product design, so interiors and objects abound.  Good design ties them all together.  Occasionally food is featured which is huge for me.  Food brings people together in my home and is its own form of design.  I enjoy Grace's take on things and always have found inspiration in her site since it started some 6 years ago.

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